Introducing ‘Roadshows’, part of the iConnections new release of features for Q2.

Amanda Rice

Founder + CEO + Survivor
The Chick Mission

Amanda Rice is an entrepreneur who heads ARC Consulting group by day and serves as a fierce advocate for women’s reproductive rights by night. Some of you might know her as the ‘Kevin Bacon’ of financial professionals – all roads forward somehow lead to Amanda Rice. 

Her need to assist patients newly diagnosed with cancer navigate fertility preservation was born from frustration and her own three time battle. After being denied coverage by her insurance carrier ahead of chemotherapy and radiation, she covered the costs of a cycle on her own…however the idea of other patients choosing *not* to pursue preservation simply because of the cost barrier did not sit well. 

Thus, The Chick Mission was born. Amanda’s tenacity and penchant for strategy and fundraising has catapulted the organization forward and to date The Chick Mission has assisted 340 women preserve their fertility options ahead of cancer treatment.